Wednesday, 9 June 2010

To put it simply, I'm back!

Good afternoon everyone.
I have many things to say but I think seen as this is my first ever post on the new website I'll try keep it concise. Speaking of concise, this new website look is, putting it simple, simple. Over the year and a half of using as a celebrity gossip site it got to the point where the content was too big to handle and I was writing close to 25 articles a day (3469 in total). Eventually something had to give, and that was me.

So I've taken a couple months off, done some work, had some fun and suddenly I've become really eager to come back into this weird blogging business. Using 'Blogger' or 'Blogspot' (I'm not quite sure what I'm using) was the quickest way to get back into the game. Plus the idea of a community is kind of welcoming after spending many months in the cold lands of Cutenews. I can imagine you non-technological people not understanding a word I'm saying. Don't worry, neither do I.

In terms of content I don't have the foggiest what I'm going to be posting. Every cloud has a silver lining though, I'll try not to bore you to death with blogs about the new character in Hollyoaks etc. I could be talking shit but I feel a little more highbrow. But then of course I will be posting YouTube videos, 'funny' pictures and what I got up to at the weekend. So maybe nothings changed at all...

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